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苏州太湖高尔夫俱乐部有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:江苏省 江苏省苏州太湖国家旅游度假区校场路8号
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
Suzhou Taihu Golf Project, invested by Jiangsu Rentai Asset Management Group, includes the 18-hole international tournament course, top class members club, the Golf Academy, prestigious golf villas, service apartments, 5-star hotel, yacht service and other high-end facilities. Suzhou Taihu International Golf Club covers an area of over 1,300,000 sqm and is located at the site of the Jiang Dun Mountain facing the water. It boasts a full view of the beautiful Taihu Lake scenery and the ancient texture from the relics of military drill of Sun Wu with the artistic charm of Kunqu Opera.
作为华东区为数不多的会员制俱乐部之一,苏州太湖国际高尔夫俱乐部屡获殊荣:从2007年开业之初的 "全国十佳新球场"、"江苏地标球场"到2010-2011年度的"全国十佳高尔夫俱乐部"、"中国十大非凡高尔夫度假村";从成为"中国全明星赛的指定场地"、"中国国家队训练基地"及与众多商业赛事的成功合作,到连续四年承办高尔夫赛事"欧亚女子公开赛",一路缔造传奇——"高球女皇"安妮卡•;索伦斯坦在此封杆,当今年轻的大满贯选手曾雅妮在此获得大陆首胜。
As one of the few top class golf clubs in the East of China, Suzhou Taihu International Golf Club has gradually become an distinguished club with many honors and great achievements including awards for Top 10 New Golf Courses in China, Landmark Golf Course in Jiangsu in 2007, Top 10 Golf Clubs in China, and Top 10 Outstanding Golf Resorts in China in 2010-2011. We are the appointed venue for China All Star, the training base of the Chinese National Team, and we have hosted the Euro-Asia Womens Open for 4 consecutive years. It is the course where Annika Sö;renstam ended her career as a professional golfer ,and Yani Tseng,the youngest grand slam winner, won her first game in China.

The international management team and the membership platform have jointly contributed to making Suzhou Taihu International Golf Club the ideal place for social networking in the East of China.


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